I am a mom and an entrepreneur.
I homeschool my two amazing children and support my husband in his business ventures. I love Jesus and I am so glad that He loves me! I enjoy reading, being outside with my kids, my small town and helping businesses grow. I drink too much coffee and sleep too little. But as Mark Batterson said in a Chase the Lion devotional, “In every dream journey, there comes a moment when you have to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. You have to go after a dream that is destined to fall without divine intervention. You have to go big or go home.” I grew up in a small, rural town where most people were farmers and ranchers, including my own parents. Growing up seeing the hard work that self employment required, the challenges they faced and the rewards they enjoyed, I thought it required too much work! I was going to work for someone else and let them have all the responsibility. I grew up, went to college, traveled the world and lived in the big city. In the end, I came back to the small town, got married and had two beautiful kids, deciding that self employment was an exciting challenge. I have had the privilege of working in many industries, with many wonderful people and I have learned a lot. Bookkeeping, banking, customer service, research, customer relations, academic advising, teaching, report creation, database creation, secretarial duties and marketing materials are all in my background. All this experience has allowed me to appreciate the gifts and unique abilities that each of us have to offer.f And the unique challenges that each position can bring. Having decided to be self employed, my husband and I love seeing the reward of creating a successful business, helping others and gaining freedom over our time. It has allowed us to homeschool our two children and grow in ways we never thought possible. For the past 8 years I have helped my husband in his lawn mowing business and provided the support of a receptionist, bookkeeper and overall secretary for his real estate agent business. We love our small community and desire to see it and the small businesses located here prosper. As small business owners and moms, you wear ALL the hats. It’s up to you to make sure the job gets done and done right. You are often the one who is keeping the family from going ten different directions! You keep the schedules, keep the house and try to keep your sanity! It’s up to you to solve the problems, fill in the gaps and get all the things done. It can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, it can also prevent you from doing the things that you do best…make the product, perform the service, make the sale. You are busy doing what your clients and customers so appreciate you doing. They need YOU to be you. They don’t care who is filing the papers, creating the database or typing the letters. But all these things are hanging over your head, that nagging feeling that is stressing you out and preventing you from sleeping at night. Those things that slow you down…get in your way…stress you out…those are the things that make me happy! I enjoy filling in the database or creating that visual for your presentation. Yes, I have been called crazy! I enjoy creating those flyers, sending the invoices, posting the payments, typing the letters and creating the marketing materials. Let me help you do what you do best. Serve your clients! Let me help you grow your business by taking care of the behind the scenes work. That’s what I do best. |